What are the differences between HTTP vs. HTTPS

Hypertext Tranfer Protocol(HTTP) and Hypertext tranfer protocol secure (HTTPS) protocol is the set of rule that govern how any information can be transmitted on the World Wide Web(WWW).
What is HTTP?
Hypertext Transfer Protocol(HTTP) is an application layer network protocol which is built on top of TCP for transmitting hypermedia(hypertext) documents, such as HTML. It uses the port 80 for data communication. HTTP provide standard rules for web browsers & servers to communicate. A website that uses HTTP has http:// in its URL.

In HTTP connection data sent just like in plain text that anyone monitoring the connection can read.there is no any privacy as anyone can see content. Data integrity is a big issues as someone can alter that content. That's why HTTP protocol is an insecure method as no encryption methods are used. Anyone who intercepts the request can get the confidential(username and password) data easily.
What is HTTPS?
Hypertex tranfer protocol secure(HTTPS) it is highly advanced and secure version of HTTP. It uses Secure Socket Layer(SSL) or Transport Layer Security(TLS) to encrypt all communication between a client and a server. It is also reffered as HTTP over TLS or HTTP over SSL. A website that uses HTTPS has https:// in its URL.

The S in HTTPS stands for “secure.” HTTPS uses TLS (or SSL) to encrypt HTTP requests and responses, so in the example above, instead of the text, an attacker would see a random characters(encrypted data).
HTTPS is HTTP with encryption. The difference between the two protocols is that HTTPS uses TLS (SSL) to encrypt normal HTTP requests and responses. As a result HTTPS is more secure than HTTP.